What Our Customers Say

We are very happy that the people that use our services have an extremely high level of satisfaction, though of course there is always room for improvement. Here are some of the things that they say.

  • After my operation, my support worker liaised with the hospital discharge service and put things in place.
  • Yes, Jamie helps me, supports me and is very caring and considerate.
  • I feel safe and secure all the time. It is so supportive and encouraging having staff present 24 hours of the day. I feel I can approach staff at any time, they are always accessible.
  • Yes, there is a lot of flexibility, and I can change times/dates and even location of meet up.
  • Always listen to my views and write them down on my plan. Having small goals I achieve shows me I am getting somewhere.
  • They work according to what I need.
  • Always listen to my views and write them down on my plan. Having small goals I achieve shows me I am getting somewhere.
  • I can discuss things with him confidentially and he listens to me.
  • Staff always listen to me and allow me to make decisions about my support.
  • Staff allow me to say what support I want and when.
  • I am supported to live my life in a way I want to.
  • My support worker helped me to get volunteering work and some studying courses at the college.
  • Offer me choices to achieve my goals and don’t judge me or my choices.
  • My keyworker has an excellent understanding of my needs and lifestyle. Julia knows what is important to my development and has helped me greatly to achieve long and short-term goals.

Over the past three years customers have provided feedback on the same questions, which help us all keep an eye on how we are doing. Here are the results through a very challenging period for all of us.

Question Yes Response
2021 2022 2023
Ability staff help me feel safe in my home 95.50% 95.92% 95.92%
There is some flexibility in the way I receive my support as sometimes I don’t want to stick to a fixed plan 93.00% 97.96% 91.89%
I feel that staff listen to me and I feel comfortable discussing and planning my support with them 96.50% 97.96% 95.95%
If I am not happy I know who to talk to 94.50% 95.92% 94.59%
Staff know what is important to me and how I like to live my life 95.00% 97.28% 95.95%